The intensity, You are the battlefield The whatsapp phone number list historical link between the formation of Latin American nation-states, gender violence and international borders remained invisible in the social sciences and in history until the 1980s. Most of whatsapp phone number list the hegemonic historiographies on nations or nationalism ignored gender relations as "irrelevant"6. This overshadowed the role of women in the formation of central state structures, such as borders. On the other hand, in the process of constitution of the border regions of the Latin American republics, in whatsapp phone number list the nineteenth century , these territories were represented as propitious for male domination, subjugation, penetration and material exploitation.
The two triple frontiers where I whatsapp phone number list carry out my ethnographic work –the Andean and the Paraná– are convincing examples. Both were defined after two violent war outcomes, the wars of the Pacific (1789-1883) and whatsapp phone number list Paraguay (1864-1870). These conflicts instituted military confrontation as the main process of building national boundaries, naturalizing military (and male) violence as the current language of border territories. Thus, a certain permissiveness of patterns of violent abuse of border populations in general, and whatsapp phone number list of women in particular, was established: their domination, rape and/or extermination became a vehicle for the expression of the power of nation-states.
Far from constituting a forgotten whatsapp phone number list past, the juxtaposition between militarization, nationalization and gender violence is currently materializing in these spaces as a reiterative social tension. Research shows that this juxtaposition whatsapp phone number list is currently reproduced in most of the Latin American borders. In them, recovering the words of Anzaldúa, the body of women is the battlefield where territorial disputes are marked .In the whatsapp phone number list 1980s, this topic began to gain centrality in the social whatsapp phone number list sciences, with studies carried out in the border areas between Mexico and the United States .
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